![]() ![]() ![]() Just another membership site, you said?
Nope. "The Biggest
& Cheapest (For What It Offers)
Internet Marketing Membership Factory That Creates Unique Products and Delivers All the
Technical, Informational &
Human Resources You
Need For Cooking Your Own Unique Success."
From: John Delavera This membership has been made by your ideas and contains what YOU asked me to include to it. EVERYTHING
Turbo Membership 2
Why "2?" Because once upon a time - and for about 5 years - Turbo Membership 1 existed at TurboMembership.com; that TM1 was SMALLER than today's 2. Today, the membership at TurboMembership.com is an automatic money machine, loaded with unique products that are delivered automatically every 30 days for 9 months. Today YOU get access to TurboMembership.com when joining TM2 - here. And you can RESELL that access to TurboMembership.com, get paid instantly to your Paypal account & KEEP all the MONEY in your pocket. But that's only the beginning... the top of the iceberg... You get much much more... unbelievably much more goodies.... The purpose of this site is to make you:
You see... I started many years ago from point 0 - as a newbie. So I know how you feel. They told me not to deal with Internet Marketing because the market was too saturated. I decided - back in 2002 - NOT to listen to them. I jumped to my Dark Digital Sea Of Uncertainty and the only light was a BULB in my head... I used my IDEAS for saving time... for following the pace set by competitors and fellow marketers. After what I have lived through all these years, having being an observer in Internet Marketing since 1994, with some tens of thousands of Cyber Hours in my Cyber Diary, and after a short break for a year that allowed me to recharge my batteries, I decided to RUN Turbo Membership again, no. 2 this time, and once again devote it to you, because:
I am offering to you everything you need. It only takes just 1 step for you... I'll be sincere to you right from the beginning. I am going to ask you to pay a small fee that fuels the development and keeps the turbo-machine rolling in the business - I am telling you this up-front. In return, I am going to give you products, inventions, tools and access to services and memberships until you say "Enough!" This digital info-bombarding will last for as long you'll remain my subscriber. I give you the right to ask for your money back if you enter my members' area and will not like what you see. You have also the right to cancel your subscription anytime you want, I know it, but actually I am going to ADVICE you to CANCEL your subscription if you do not earn DOUBLE & TRIPLE from THIS membership in your first month. You see... This is not a website of promises. This is a Factory of...
All the tools and the products so you can make money fast and also in longterm. But WORK is needed too. You'll work for YOU, for building a better online future for YOU. This is NOT a quick-money scheme... If you're looking for ways to retire from your morning job tomorrow, then this is not the right place to be. If you are a PRO already, you can easily MAXIMIZE your online profits. I am not a psychic but I know what your Goals are.
Because it's like describing myself too - years ago. You may have been taught to "listen" to BIG names... Gurus with a Ferrari®, a 3,000 square meters "apartment" ... with private jets and horses with strange names... Good for them but the wealth of others means nothing when related to the fulfillment of YOUR dreams. So, you have 2 choices here: "Fight
Or Fly"
Are you going to Fly away from this site just because I am telling you the truth? Do it please, if you believe that success comes over night. Or are you going to FIGHT for your Future; not the one described in Celebrities' magazines, but YOUR unique humble but glorious future? I am the living example of my methods. And I have included ALL of my methods in this MODULAR membership. There are 18 Modules that will require you to work with them. All modules will help you to reach a result fast. Here is my marketing plan for you: Step 1: First you need MONEY and need it NOW. Thus, I am giving you many dozens of Products you can sell and get all the money in your pocket. Step 2: While you're working for getting some money fast and even better on a stable monthly basis, you also need to start working on YOUR own product. Yes, you must create your own product. It'd be an ebook, a software... anything. You need to create your product. It's important and I'll tell you why when I see you inside. For now, just remember: You must create your own FIRST product fast. Step 3: Once you finish with the creation of your product, you must start promoting your product. Step 4: While you're promoting your product you continue building your lists: lists of visitors on your site, list of affiliates, list of customers, etc. By doing so, you will be able to follow-up with them, inform them about your endeavors and also promote more products to them - also introducing your new product. Step 5: You continue promoting products and getting money from the products and memberships you can resell from TM2, here. Step 6: Once you find the *twists* that make your product/s sell good, then and ONLY THEN, you contact with people on the same market and ask for joint venture partnerships. You prove to them that your product sells good and offer to them big commissions. Step 7: By doing so, you start becoming known in your market. Your lists become bigger and you get more money by a) the sales sent via the products & memberships you sell through this membership, b) the product/s you created with the advices and tools through this membership and c) the sales of the products of your JV partners/affiliates. Step 8: When you are established and people will recognize your name when talking about Product P (the one you created) it's time to create a NEW product and repeat the whole procedure above. Step 9: When you reach this final step, you can expect the BIG money coming not through YOUR sales but through the partnerships with your JV partner/s. Please print this page and re-read the plan above. I know it's less than 1 page plan but it's exactly what you need to know. I'll take care of the details. Follow my plan and I'll be able to see you smiling when cashing your checks in the Bank. Work today for your Future. Seize this moment. Do not leave another day "off." The time to work for your Success is HERE... NOW. Meet the Modules of this membership below... Read what they can do for you.. read what is offered. All modules consist the WHOLE picture. You can place yourself in that picture. There is a title below that picture and says: SUCCESS
I am not going to tell you what
this membership is NOT.
I am rendering the whole membership below. You need to remember one important thing: ALL THE PRODUCTS mentioned below have been created from scratch for me and this membership. Especially for the graphics, headers, and all images offered I pay special attention so you and me can both sleep well at nights without wondering about licensing, since I pay artists on a monthly basis for creating them for me. The same applies to all other products: they are all UNIQUE, not based on any other content and are created for me. That's how I feel confident passing the Private Label & Resale Rights of them to you. Turbo Membership 2 is a HUGE membership. For that reason there are certain levels. Copper & Bronze for now and more are to come in the future while TM2 is getting bigger. For now you can choose to become a Copper or a Bronze Member. |
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Become a Copper Member
of Turbo Membership 2 and get:
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(1) Brand NEW & UNIQUE Internet Marketing related ebook per month,
written by professional writers delivered to you with Private
Label and Resale Rights, created
EXCLUSIVELY for & released for first time by Turbo Membership 2. The ebook package contains:
1. Use a PART of the ebook, create a report and add your own links for other products (such as the MANY products you receive a high commission on.) Then GIVE the report AWAY. Suppose you give away 500 copies, and just 1% buy a $97 product. You've made $460.75 with very little effort. 2. Break the ebook up into articles, add your own link, and submit them to ezines and websites. Ezines and websites are always on the lookout for fresh material. When they publish your articles, they'll also give their readers a link to your sign-up page for your newsletter. More subscribers mean more people to sell your products to, which means more money for you! 3. Sell the ebook. Okay, that one was pretty obvious. 4. Use the ebook as a bonus for one of your own products. 5. Sell advertising in the ebook! Get paid by the click or by the download. 6. Use the content and create a website. Search engines love fresh content. The more you have, the higher you're likely to get ranked. 7. Use the content and create a website, then add Adsenseª to the pages. Get paid by Google® per click. 8. Break the book up into articles, and publish them in your own Ezine. You've got to give good material to your readers to keep them interested and willing to consider your offers. This way you don't even have to write it! 9. Personalize the ebook and publish it as your own, in an actual hold-it-in-your-hands real life book. 10. Apply the actual information in the book to make you money. Don't disregard the content of these ebooks. The information is real, valuable, and works. |
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One (1) Brand NEW & UNIQUE turbo script application baked by John
Delavera's TURBO Brain,
delivered each and every
month with Private Label and Resale Rights, created
EXCLUSIVELY for & released for first time by Turbo Membership 2.
Here is what you get:
And the sales pages will already be written for you. Just this software with the rights alone is worth more than the entire cost of your Turbo Membership 2. Plus, you even get the Private Label Rights. This means you can call this software your own, and you can add to it, rewrite it, repackage it, or use it as a bonus (please read the terms first.) |
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Fifteen (15) Brand NEW & UNIQUE high quality graphics every month
with Private Label and Resale Rights, created
EXCLUSIVELY for & released for first time by Turbo Membership 2. Sample:
Physical size is approx. 1500x1500 pixels without a watermark. Here is what you get:
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One hundred (100) Brand NEW & UNIQUE articles
per month, Internet Marketing and Niche oriented, delivered with
Private Label and Resale Rights. Articles are
created EXCLUSIVELY for & released for first time by Turbo
Membership 2.
Here is what you get:
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Three (3) Brand NEW & UNIQUE website
templates, every
created EXCLUSIVELY for Turbo Membership 2, delivered with Private
Label and Resale Rights, created EXCLUSIVELY for
& released for first time by Turbo Membership 2. Sample:
Here is what you get:
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Fifteen (15) Brand NEW & UNIQUE headers, , every month
created EXCLUSIVELY for Turbo Membership 2, delivered with Private
Label and Resale Rights, created EXCLUSIVELY for
& released for first time by Turbo Membership 2. Sample:
Physical size is 960x150 Here is what you get:
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- TM2ers also get a Brand
NEW & UNIQUE 50-page issue of the
magazine on a monthly basis written by John Delavera, full
Internet Marketing wisdom, strategies, secrets and valuable resources,
again created EXCLUSIVELY for & released for first time
by Turbo Membership 2. |
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One (1) Brand NEW & UNIQUE MUSIC TRACK in various lengths and loops, delivered each and every
month with limited Private Label and Resale Rights, created
by Ginny Culp
EXCLUSIVELY for & released for first time by Turbo Membership 2.
Here is what you get:
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Ten (10) Brand NEW & UNIQUE Twitter Backgrounds, delivered each and every
month with Private Label and Resale Rights, created
EXCLUSIVELY for & released for first time by Turbo
Membership 2.
Here is what you get:
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ACCESS AND Resale Rights of the access to www.TurboMembership.com
Copper TM2ers get access
to the aforementioned membership, get the goodies delivered each month,
can ALSO RESELL the access and GET PAID INSTANTLY to their
Paypal(tm) account, hence receiving recurring monthly PAYMENTS.
ATTENTION: The monthly products offered by TurboMembership.com are DIFFERENT than the ones delivered by TM2:) and still they're all unique and created from my teams.
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ACCESS AND Resale Rights of the access to www.NewbieTutorials.com -TBA Copper TM2ers get access
to the aforementioned membership, can ALSO RESELL the access and GET
PAID INSTANTLY to their Paypal(tm) account, hence receiving recurring
monthly PAYMENTS.
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Access to all sister MEMberships that consist the AMOLA KALUBA network. Details follow. |
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One Complimentary DELAVO GOLD License
TM2ers can upgrade their
existing DELAVO license to a GOLD one, or they can create a new license
and upgrade it to GOLD. As a TM2er you
pay no additional charge and you enjoy the benefits of what the
Gold lever offers.
You can check all the features included to the GOLD level by clicking here. |